Clamp ツバサ。 ツバサ・クロニクル


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Its 233 chapters, which are called "Chapitre" シャピトル, Shapitoru , French for "Chapter", have been compiled into twenty-eight volumes by Kodansha, with the first volume released on August 9, 2003, and the last one on November 17, 2009. クラスターCDブック(、著・、CLAMP) エピソード [ ]• 「CLAMP学園団」や「」、「」や「」、「」や「(原案担当)」など多くの作を世に出す。



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ツバサ原画集 2 大型本 [ Tsubasa Original Illustrations Collection —Album De Reproductions- 2] in Japanese. ( 講談社 2009年10月1日 - 2013年10月29日)• Santos, Carlo May 27, 2010. 知世:坂本 真綾• 2003• 笙悟:檜山 修之• The OVAs of Tsubasa were released in North America in January 2011. 1(2003年)• [Tsubasa Story Chronicle] in Japanese. 1995• 撮影監督:五十嵐 慎一• translanted and adapted by William Flanagan. They were directed by Shunsuke Tada and written by Nanase Ohkawa, with music provided by Yuki Kajiura. Two character guides were released by Kodansha in Japan and then translated and released in North American by. タイトルロゴ上では『ツバサ・クロニクル〜年代記〜』とされており「〜年代記〜」の文言はメインタイトルの下にふた回り以上小さい文字で書かれている。

2020• Ten music albums have been released, and each contains a single piece of for the various adaptations. 登場キャラクター ため、リンクされている記事の要約をこの節に。 SHOTEN 別冊(オリジナル 1989年5月3日)• ポスター、カード、カレンダー、あらゆる面で人気の漫画です。


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オリジナルアニメーションDVD ツバサ TOKYO REVELATIONS 単行本第21巻、第22巻、第23巻の初回限定版に同梱されて発売された「東京編」の(略称・OAD)。

キィシム:勝生 真沙子• オリジナルサウンドトラック「Future Soundscape I」</VICL-61661(通常盤)VIZL-137(限定盤)>• アーシアンと遊ぼう! 2020• (2012年) - キャラクター原案• 2010• 2017• 海外での出版社• (NHK)• スタッフ 第1シリーズ• 2000—2001• :(Del Rey Manga)• に『』()掲載の『』でデビュー。 2011• After the first volume's English release on April 27, 2004, it sold 2,330 copies in May 2004, placing it at the top end of the top 100 sales of that month. 1998• 2010• いがらし寒月のしまりすのほおぶくろ(角川書店『』連載) インターネットラジオ [ ]• 2007• 2010—2014• 2009• Syaoran also has his own commonly referred as "The Other Syaoran" who at the same time shares the same identity as the protagonist from ,. あらすじ の卵・ 小狼と玖楼国の姫・ サクラは。

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

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In its debut, the first volume of World Chronicle sold 127. They locate one at the Country of Birdcages, where they have to confront the world's king in order to obtain it. 2006にて。 International Broadcast [ ] 1. Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle was fairly well received by reviewers, who described it as a treat for Clamp fans due to the large number of crossover characters in the series. 「ツバサクロニクル」() 2005年発売• released an interlude film between the first two seasons titled , as well as five OVAs between November 2007 and May 2009, which acted as a sequel to the second season. 秋山とCLAMP CLAMPとの出会いは、中学の図書室で出会った、田中芳樹の『創竜伝』の表紙であった、と記憶しています。 "Tsubasa Chronicle—The Princess in the Birdcage Kingdom". アニメの世界を主人公サイドから追体験するゲームである。

Funimation also released the first season of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle in the United Kingdom through beginning on September 17, 2007, across six Region 2 DVD compilation volumes. Art and fanbooks [ ] Two different fanbooks have been released for the anime of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. For Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, drew the main characters, whereas and drew the side characters and backgrounds; was the sole person in charge of the storyline; the other members of Clamp were not told in advance how the plot would unfold. なお、商業デビュー時点では現メンバーの4人に前記のうち秋山たまよ、聖りいざ、七穂せいの3人を加えた7人がメンバーであった。


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They were still adjusting to a weekly schedule; many of their previous works were on a monthly schedule. 時のは。

, the United Kingdom branch of , published the first 14 volumes as published by Del Rey in the United Kingdom, between August 3, 2006 and June 5, 2008. 1(1999年 - 2000年)• Archived from on August 22, 2008. He liked its characters, but found it sometimes dragging due to its episodic nature. 4人と1モコナが訪れた最初の国・阪神共和国で小狼が目覚めたとき、ファイはサクラの記憶の羽根が小狼に引っかかっていたことに気づき、すぐにサクラの身体の中に戻し、サクラは一命をとりとめた。 Ellingwood, Holly March 29, 2008. Before her soul perishes, Sakura reveals that she too is a clone of the who was also taken prisoner by Fei-Wang. ・・(森鴎外 角川文庫 2008年6月25日)• Another theme in the series is the use of identical people as a result of the characters travelling to parallel worlds where they find alternative versions of people they met before. [Tsubasa 28 Deluxe Edition] in Japanese. (2007年)• ( 1989年-1996年)• 2016. Lavey found the translation a "good read", liking how some Japanese words were not translated and instead explained in notes. 悪役は悪役らしく描き、悪を倒して国に平和がやってくるというコンセプトである。

CLAMPとは (クランプとは) [単語記事]

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続編である『』についてはそちらを参照のこと。 ) 書誌情報 日本国内での発売 は28巻で完結。

It was serialized in the publication from May 2003 until October 2009, and was collected in twenty-eight volumes, totalling 232 chapters - 18 to 20 pages each. カイル:宮本 充• 2008• 2019• 音楽:梶浦 由記• 2020 ONAs• カードキャプターさくら イラスト集(講談社 1998年7月28日)• 2011• When asked if another series influenced Tsubasa in the concept of parallel worlds, Ohkawa replied that she was not a fan of sci-fi series and pointed that all worlds shown in the series were other works from Tsubasa. Archived from on April 26, 2009. (ブロッコリー)• placed it twenty-ninth in their article "36 Great Manga Missed by the Eisner Awards", while the artbook Tsubasa ALBuM De REProDUCTioNS was third in their 2009 poll "Best Manga Book". そういう経緯があったため、本を作るよりも友達同士が集まって遊ぶ集まりではあったが、一度くらい本をつくろうと1987年7月、同人誌『新宿純愛物語』を出した。 See also: The animation studio adapted the manga series into a two-season television series Tsubasa Chronicle ツバサ・クロニクル, Tsubasa Kuronikuru spanning fifty-two episodes in total. [Tsubasa 1 Deluxe Edition] in Japanese. Funimation released the DVDs in two collections, where each contains six of the DVDs together in a box set, on November 11, 2008, and December 29, 2009. ツバサもあり、いろいろなことを知る事ができたので、よかったです。


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He criticized the lack of extras in the DVDs releases. カードキャプターさくらも相当売れましたよね。


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(2004年)• チェニャン:山口 由里子• (テレビアニメ 2021年) - キャラクターデザイン原案 CD・DVD [ ]• 2015• A two-episode OVA series titled Tsubasa Spring Thunder Chronicles ツバサ春雷記, Tsubasa Shunraiki was released across two DVDs. 1996, 1—2• (角川書店 1991年-1993年)• This theme would be further explored later in the story. Main article: A film interlude, , was adapted by the animation studio and premiered in Japanese theaters on August 20, 2005, in conjunction with , between the two seasons of the anime series. Archived from on May 29, 2008. Mania Entertainment's Megan Lavey found the introduction to be a "pretty simple love story", while liking the characters' personalities. Themes [ ] Tsubasa explores the fragility of human relationships through Sakura losing all of her memories involving her love interest, Syaoran. :(Arena Komik)• released the DVD for the film on February 25, 2006, in Japan in both regular and premium editions. The first was packaged with volume 26 of the manga, which was released on March 17, 2009; and the second was packaged with volume 27, released on May 15, 2009. He liked how both films' storylines interacted, allowing parts of the plot of Tsubasa to be explained in the xxxHolic film, and he found artistic similarities between the two films. Archived from on July 5, 2008. こうして異世界を渡り歩く能力を持つ生物モコナ=ソエル=モドキ(通称: モコナ)を得た一行は、それぞれの願いを叶えるために、異世界を渡る過酷な旅を始めることになる。 Archived from on July 26, 2011. 2020—2021• Initial fan response to Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle was that it was " for guys". Both the manga and anime have had positive response from critics, who praised its connections to previous works and its artwork. External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to. The first book published was TV Animation Tsubasa Chronicle Best Selection TV ANIMATION ツバサ・クロニクル BEST SELECTION on April 17, 2006, bearing an. Archived from on January 5, 2013. 2016年1月現在マネジメント兼ライツ管理企業として『 四月一日』(わたぬき)を設立し、作品のライツ管理を中心に事業を展開している。 2011• もこな 元々は活動をしていたが、「伝-RG VE-」で商業。
