Oracle user_tables。 Get a list of all available Tables in your Oracle database // oraclerecipes

HCM User

User_tables oracle User_tables oracle

COLNUM numbering includes a gap to hide the internal columns that are needed for the user tables in TimesTen Scaleout. DEPENDENCIES VARCHAR2 8 INLINE NOT NULL Unused Value returned is DISABLED. earliest Earliest log file that currently exists in the database log. 1 — Sequences are being replicated. These values are considered part of the metadata. count Number of statement prepares stmt. LOW• List all users who have been assigned a particular role? MONITORING VARCHAR2 3 INLINE NOT NULL Unused Value returned is NO. Granting select allows users to lock tables. 0: The database was previously shut down cleanly. nondurable Number of nondurable replicated transaction commits txn. I wish to grant select on all the tables and views owned by this user to another user. Luckily Oracle Database 18c offers another way around this problem: schema-only accounts! EVENT NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. bytes Number of bytes sent to the Oracle database during SWT cache group operations Table 1-10 Local cache group statistics Name Description cg. query rewrite• KEEP• For a referenced collection element, this is 1 because collection elements do not have siblings. ECID VARCHAR2 64 INLINE Column unused by TimesTen. count Number of transactions committed txn. Query these related views rather than the system table: and Stores data about the query plan of the optimizer Stores data about system statistics Query these related views rather than the system table: and Stores data about table statistics Stores data about temporary table column statistics Stores data about indexes on temporary table columns Stores data about temporary tables Stores data about temporary table statistics Static data dictionary views Static data dictionary views change only when a change is made to the data dictionary for example, when a new table is created or when a user is granted new privileges. If the account is not locked, the value is NULL. TimesTen does not reset the values of the following columns, even when there are no connections to the database:• count Number of grid transactions in which participated as remote txn. AUDSID NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. invalidations Number of channel invalidations txn. Contains data about the password profile resources that are assigned to the user. Together, as a row, they represent a node of a flattened tree. writes Number of checkpoint writes ckpt. Update the SYSDATE with an appropriate date field or prompted value for date dependent values e. 4: Hash Default• R: Replication• An element can have a different state from another element due to the state being updated in response to activity and latency that varies from element to element. The result of this query should also show through which role the user has this access or whether it was a direct grant. deletes Number of grid local delete SQL statements executed stmt. merges Number of MERGE statements executed by server cs. The tables and views are read-only. Ryan McGuire Proxy Users Proxy users are low privilege accounts. NONE: Data is not populated on any instance. Possible values:• These internal columns are not documented. deletes Number of DELETE statements executed stmt. Columns See in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference or information on the columns in this view, including the column name, data type, and description. Column name Type Description PROFILE VARCHAR2 30 INLINE NOT NULL Profile name. generated Number of log files generated so far log. Ignore this column in TimesTen Classic. Post Initially Authored: August 5, 2020 Post Initially Authored for Product Version: Oracle HCM Cloud Application 20B 11. Unloaded: The element has been unloaded from the database. deletes Number of DELETE statements executed by server cs. In TimesTen Classic:• TimesTen does not support nested tables. The column names and data types are the same as the Oracle database. For TimesTen Scaleout, the COLPOS column allows for the 1. Whereas a user is an account you use to connect to the database. DROPPED VARCHAR2 3 Indicates whether the table has been dropped and is in the recycle bin YES or not NO ; NULL for partitioned tables This view does not return the names of tables that have been dropped. HIGH• In addition to the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role names must start with C or c and consist only of ASCII characters. Specific column information is stored in the COLUMNS table. You're right; finding the proxy user password and the account it has access to still gives you the same permissions as going direct. QUERY HIGH ROW LEVEL LOCKING• You can contact me directly at hodsonjl outlook. rows Number of rows updated in TimesTen during autorefresh from the Oracle database cg. inserts Number of INSERT statements executed by server cs. creates Number of CREATE statements executed by server cs. When it was loaded into memory this time, the log was replayed and other operations were performed in an attempt to recover data. SECONDARY VARCHAR2 1 INLINE NOT NULL Y if there is a secondary object created by the ODCIIndexCreate method of the Oracle Data Cartridge; N otherwise The value is always ' N'. The only system privilege you should give it is create session. Give each individual their own proxy user. P2TEXT VARCHAR2 64 INLINE Column unused by TimesTen. When the script locates a role for the user, it recursively searches for other roles and privileges granted to that role, repeating the process all the way down the chain. Things like Oracle Text or Oracle Spatial. The column names and data types are the same as the Oracle Database. from the user to the role, how can i create a procedure that will grant select, update, insert, delete privs from the user to the role? count Number of rows fetched from hash indexes db. Use the ttIsql allviews command to display a list of all system and user views. We have an account that can be accessed by anyone who manages to get hold of the password of the proxy user. updates Number of grid local update SQL statements executed stmt. tables in each database to get the full list of tables. wait Number of locks granted that required waiting lock. And there's likely a group of people your DBAs who have access to this password. It contains a single row with statistics about certain events. Overview of the system tables and views TimesTen provides system tables and views so that you can gather information about metadata in your database. Note that the Row Name column stores the row name as it is entered into HCM e. 3: The metric is for the checkpoint and the transaction log devices. Table 1-1 Primary system tables that store SQL objects Name Description Stores data about cache groups Returns 0 rows in TimesTen Scaleout Stores data about the columns in a table Stores data about indexes on table columns Stores data about sequences Stores data about tables Stores data about the persistent Transaction Log API bookmarks Returns 0 rows in TimesTen Scaleout Stores data about views Stores data about table subscriptions at the bookmark level Returns 0 rows in TimesTen Scaleout Table 1-2 System tables of secondary importance Name Description Stores data about column statistics Special one row and one column table that is useful in SELECT statements Stores data about system statistics. NONE Solaris and Oracle Linux functionality only. Table 1-3 Static data dictionary views Name Description Contains data about the arguments of stored procedures and functions Contains data about the dependencies between procedures, packages, functions, and package bodies Contains data about directories There is no SYS. count Number of rows fetched from temporary indexes db. Possible values:• In all other cases, this column is null. Columns See for information on the columns in this view, including the column name, data type, and description. automatic Number of automatic statement reprepares stmt. I am thinking to implement by granting the select on all the tables and views to role and then granting the role to the second user. read Number of bytes read from the log for commit processing log. Remember: only give out the exact permissions users need. merges Number of grid local merge SQL statements executed stmt. skipped Number of rows that were not deleted using time-based aging because of lock contention since the database was loaded into memory aging. The TABLES table also stores information on system tables. P3 NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. In either case, the purpose of these scripts is to allow you to recursively locate all privileges granted to a particular user. 5: Duplicate• OSUSER VARCHAR2 30 INLINE Database or client user name on operating system. selects Number of grid remote select SQL statements executed stmt. ACTIVE: The connection is currently executing a SQL command. selects Number of SELECT statements executed stmt. rows Number of rows in SWT cache groups inserted on the Oracle database cg. P3TEXT VARCHAR2 64 INLINE Column unused by TimesTen. UDT are often found in modules and references related to Payroll, however, this is no technical limitation to using these tables for non-Payroll related reporting. rows Number of rows deleted in TimesTen during autorefresh from the Oracle database cg. List all Tables in Oracle database, owned by current Oracle user: The below query returns a list of all tables owned by the current user. Solution Recipe 1 - query available Oracle tables There are three different virtual views you can query to get a list of all available tables. They can be used as a reliable indication of activities in the system. SCHEMA NUMBER Data returned is the same as the USER column. But you may want to have a low-level admin user. Table 1-6 Asynchronous writethrough AWT cache group statistics Name Description cg. By default PUBLIC has SELECT privileges on various system tables and views. There is no place in the HCM application to enter comments on the UDT and it may not be obvious what the concatenated fields contain or the order of the columns. Viewing Tables Owned by Current user At the most basic level, you may wish to view a list of all the tables owned by the current Oracle user. Indicates number of sequence numbers that are batched. 1: Direct attached device• This query assumes the most current row and column values are needed. rows Number of rows in SWT cache groups deleted on the Oracle database cg. While you're at it, you probably want to stop people picking short, easy to crack passwords. C: Checkpoint• Valid states:• It is recommended to create and maintain documentation on all UDTs used and include information on concatenated field values. The column names and the column descriptions are not documented for these views:• P1 NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. It really doesn't know it's a table name. So you've given your application users the smallest set of privileges they need. messages Number of messages sent channel. But really you should manage this the way you propose at the start. durable Number of durable replicated transaction commits txn. count Number of statement reprepares, including forced and automatic stmt. count Number of SQL statements executed stmt. You can get around this by for the user's profile. In this example, there are 6 elements, so TimesTen returns data for each of these 6 elements. Row count at SQL execution time: The "real" current row count, which requires that you actually issue SQL to count the rows in all of the tables time consuming. Locks acquired by users on system tables may prevent others from defining data or executing the SQLPrepare ODBC function or the Connection. failed Number of autorefresh cycles that failed because of errors cg. More information on granting these privileges can be found in the. But critically, not store data in them! If that parameter is not set, then the data is populated on all instances. cycles Number of LRU aging cycles completed since the database was loaded into memory aging. List all users who can SELECT on a particular table either through being given a relevant role or through a direct grant ie grant select on atable to joe? That is why I am coming to the expert you. And you can setup monitoring to alert you if someone does add a password. IMPLTYPEOWNER VARCHAR2 30 INLINE Name of owner of the implementation type, if any IMPLTYPENAME VARCHAR2 30 INLINE Name of the implementation type, if any PARALLEL VARCHAR2 3 INLINE NOT NULL YES if the procedure or function is parallel-enabled; NO otherwise TimesTen does not support PARALLEL, so value is NO. DUPLICATE• We can show or list all tables in Oracle by querying Oracle Data Dictionaries. Substitute in the views above when language translation is needed. Used in all elements when NEXTVAL is needed and the cache is exhausted. ENABLED: Oracle Exadata Storage will decide automatically whether to cache in columnar form• SID NUMBER Connection identifier SERIAL NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. TimesTen does not gather statistics from the time of the first connection for these columns:• In addition to an alphabetical listing of the system tables and views, this chapter includes an overview of the system tables and views and provides a grouping of the system tables and views for reference. PADDR BINARY 8 Column unused by TimesTen. Oracle technology is changing and we strive to update our BC Oracle support information. The next batch is calculated in the element of the sequence owner and can be used locally or remotely. T: TimesTen Scaleout replica• but, when you use single quotes, the case MUST match. durable Number of durable transaction commits txn. deleted Number of rows deleted during LRU aging since the database was loaded into memory aging. count Number of rows fetched from range indexes db. See in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference or for more information. But I'm puzzled about the use you propose. You can't create DB links that connect to these. commits Number of time-based aging commits done since the database was loaded into memory aging. PIPELINED VARCHAR2 3 INLINE NOT NULL YES if the object is a pipelined table; NO otherwise TimesTen does not support PIPELINED, so value is NO. drops Number of DROP statements executed by server cs. But indeed: we don't have a locked account. CELLMEMORY VARCHAR2 24 The value for columnar compression in the storage cell flash cache. This setting is ignored if database-wide column data supplemental logging is enabled. count Local dynamic cache group cache misses: Number of dynamic loads that do not find the requested data within the database and need to load the data from the Oracle database cg. All private synonyms owned by the logged-in user, even if the base object is not accessible to the user. MEDIUM• And insert, update, and delete rows however you like. create view — Allows you to create views• Own the object in question• Adding more layers increases the chance they'll give up or your monitoring will detect them before they do any damage. What are Oracle Data Dictionaries? Sure we now don't tell a hacker the account he's trying actually exists in the locked account error message, because we don't have a locked account. repl Number of range indexes scanned during replication operations such as insert, update and delete operations on tables db. Thus the database was restarted cleanly. The values in these stored dictionaries are updated automatically by Oracle anytime a statement is executed on the server that modifies data. List all tables a user can SELECT from? So in most cases you should only grant object privileges when connected as the object owner. KEEP• count Number of transactions committed by server cs. Column is NULL if no index is scanned. 0x02 - Column value is varying-length VARCHAR[2], NVARCHAR[2], VARBINARY. Just like before it could be accessed by anyone who manages to get hold of the password of the application schema. Footnote 1 This column is available starting with Oracle Database release 19c, version 19. insertions Number of log records inserted into the log buffer log. STATUS VARCHAR2 8 INLINE Status of the connection:• count Number of range indexes scanned db. TimesTen ignores this value because remote packages are not supported. 1 - Return services are provided only by request. Email Please provide a valid email address. BASIC• P2 NUMBER Column unused by TimesTen. 0x04 - Column value can be NULL. Meaning you can run any queries against your own tables.。


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HCM User

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Oracle / PLSQL: Oracle System Tables

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Oracle: Show Tables

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