Tft meta。 TFT Tier List: The Best Units and Comps on Patch 11.3

10.14 META Compsheet : CompetitiveTFT

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If 4 Dusk, give her 1 offensive item such as Ionic Spark, Blue Buff, or Hat. The reason that this strategy is currently dominating the TFT meta in Patch 10. We will also include the best Chosen units or traits you should be looking for to make these comps work. Brawler starts How to Play Use Tahm Kench as tank item holder. Slow roll for Diana and Lissandra. Counters:• Counters• Rankings within a tier are very close together. Tanking capability We strived to make this Teamfight Tactics tier list as complete and accurate as possible. There are several viable TFT builds to play on Patch 11. This team should be very strong early and throughout the mid-game. Jinx• Early Moonlight Chosens• Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. In the Fast 8 strategy, you do not re-roll before Level 8. Go 9, play Sett and other legendaries. Just when the meta seems to have stabilized, some new tech pops out of left field. Morellonomicon for Morgana• Xayah• Versatility x-axis is based on both the number of Compositions an item fits in and Champions an item is used on. The Ninja buff gives him a massive amount of stats to be able to do this even as a tier two unit. If you go 6 Battlecast, loading two Blue Buffs and Deathcaps on Cassiopeia and Viktor, you might have a chance. Use our TFT cheat sheets for a handy in-game reference. Six Duelists attack very fast and Yasuo does a lot of damage. At that point, she is not able to one-shot units and is very susceptible to CC and other carry units killing her before she kills them. Instead, the strategy arose because the TFT meta is currently dominated by three primary carries: Jinx, Vayne, and Riven. Alternatives• This does include Karma, who has already established herself as a nice 4-cost powerhouse. While it seems bleak, that fourth step was a bit tongue-in-cheek. You can find , , and all on MOBAFire! This time, the odds that players will find four-cost Chosens in their shop at level seven was reduced by three percent. If you picked up plenty of Rebels as you leveled up, maybe hit an early Aurelion Sol, go for the 6 Rebel comp. This week there are surprisingly some new faces and some returning ones but the overall meta has been solidified for a while now. Here are the changes for TFT:• 13: Step 1: Did you get two or more Needlessly Large Rods? MFN• Players will want to start with either a Tear of the Goddess or Needlessly Large Rod at the opening carousel, before trying to rush toward a three Elderwood and three Mage board as soon as possible. There are some strategies that can work to win you games without doing the Fast 8 strategy. Powered by Welcome to the METAsrc Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning Set 5 site! Duelist Tryndamere• Velkoz Damage Item and Mana Item• Keep Janna until you hit Yone for Mystics with Shen• Gangplank• Warlord any• If not, go Brawlers and throw all those defensive items on Gnar. Check so you know what to do for each comp Best TFT Comps for Set 5 Patch 11. Because all of these carries are 3 and 4-cost units, it therefore makes sense to level to 8 as quickly as possible to get as many of these higher-cost units before they get snatched up by your competitors. Any non-AP item components can be placed on Rakan to make a Sunfire Cape, this will help to create a win streak early on. This composition works very well this patch for several reasons. Once you get a 2 star Kindred, stop rolling until level 8. Alternatives• At level nine add in a bunch of Legendary units like Azir, Kayn, and Yone to do the heavy lifting thanks to the spell boost from the Dusk trait. Guide Tools• Items are also very important. Teamfight Tactics Set 5: Reckoning We're always updating our resources for the latest patch and set. Guardian Angel or Rageblade are great other options. Ideal Chosen• The game got slower, electric comp and glacial got buffed, Yasuo got mana issues again. Roll until stable on level 8 at 5-1 or 5-2. Power level after you hit the Moonlights. Patch 11. 2 30 Ability Power for Dragonslayers, 20 for team 4 80 Ability Power for Dragonslayers, 60 for team Forgotten champions have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power. Usually, though the strategy is in competition with other leveling strategies like the standard leveling, hyper rolling, or slow rolling. Assassin Katarina• Early Jinx items How to Play TBD Counters:• Tear and AP items for Lissandra How to Play Slow roll for all the Moonlights and 1 cost Vanguards. If you would like to continue learning how to get better at Teamfight Tactics, we would like to invite you to book a with one of our Challenger Coaches. Standard Leveling accumulate gold but make sure to level at appropriate breakpoints. Positioning around Talon so he gets stuck on a tank. HoJ, Giantslayer, BT, Deathblade, IE all work, just any damage item for 3rd slot. Grouping units in back to have anti Assassin positioning• If you want to create your own team comp check out our Name: Class: Origin:. Fast 8 is exactly what it sounds: a leveling strategy that is designed to get the player to Level 8 as quickly as possible. 3 1000 Health, 100 Attack Damage 4 1600 Health, 160 Attack Damage 5 2200 Health, 220 Attack Damage Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline. They will help you get through the early game, while Braum can stay until the end if you happen to get Ezreal. Let us know down in the comments if this list was helpful for you, and if you have any suggestions or feedback. This means you should be sure you're up to date on the current TFT set's champion synergies and item combinations with our and. They seem to be doing a great job as the path clears for someone like Nidalee or Riven, both of whom have just received back-to-back buffs, to take the stage as a premier lobby-winning carry. Whereas most other strategies will see you hitting Level 8 at about the beginning of the fifth stage 5-1 , the Fast 8 will get you there before the fourth carousel, at Round 4-3. TFT is ever evolving, and whenever a new set comes out the champions and items will change. Being developed and published by Riot Games, the game takes place of course in the League of Legends universe. Cost• This build works the best if you get the possibility to build up your economy before round 3-2, to then look for Kindred 2 star ASAP, as she will be your main mid-game powerhouse. The MOBAFire community is here to guide you through the ins and outs of Teamfight Tactics strategy. accumulate gold but make sure to level at appropriate breakpoints. This comp is not a free win even with a Chosen Ashe, but it can still win any lobby if players can find key legendary unit upgrades in the late game, Elderwood Spat is also a godsend for this comp. This patch, with Dawnbringer and Nightbringer being beefed up, and the new shop odds changes making 3-cost units more common at levels 6 and 7, it may be more than just Yasuo finding themselves at the top of the lobby. Rageblade is the best damage item. Find what team comps are best in the current meta, or make your own team comp! 3 based on the rankings from our TFT tier list. Updated Every Friday — Always use the link for the Latest Snapshot. Ideal Chosen• Pretty much every damage item in the game is a great choice on Ashe. Assassins to kill Lissandra 6 Fortune TBD Difficulty: Item Dependency: Variance: Requirements:• This strategy means that you cannot possibly re-roll your gold, either at Level 8 or at any time before that except when you have banked over 50g. What is Fast 8? Check out the guide section for each composition to learn how to play the comp and what Chosens to look for! Cultists have been seen everywhere on the ladder recently as the buffs to Galio have seemed to finally pay off. This is the week two patch 10. Predicting the meta can be like predicting, well, the weather. Aphelios is the new Jax Aphelios feels like the kid who always hung around the troublemakers at school, but never got in trouble. Follow us on Social Media for updates! Counters• Best Teamfight Tactics Champions: We think these are the best TFT Champions in the current meta in no particular order :• That should be enough to dominate the TFT meta 10. You were holding onto every Rebel and Cybernetic you could reasonably find, right? Knowing how to play Teamfight Tactics will help you no matter what patch it is. Since fixing your composition will not follow a simple, straight route, it might be confusing for an unexperienced player. Better yet, check out our , , and to refine your TFT strategy and level up in ranked. 23 patch and although the Hunter trait got hit, it still packs a serious punch. Late game, you can run two 2 star Olafs for the ultimate savagery. every game is different and obviously im only speaking personally from like 12 games since the patch I think neeko is busted and usually murders my champs by locking them into place. Difficulty does not factor into the strength or viability of the composition but serves as a factor for new players. 3-cost high-rolling will now be a viable way to win Despite this prediction already appearing in , the rise of Jax and Kayle made this path extremely difficult. is an auto-battle chess type of game developed by Riot Games the makers of League of Legends. The variant of this comp that sees a majority of success is one that keeps in 6 Cultists and replaces the other ones with legendary units like Kayn, Yone, and Azir. by 3 months ago• If I mention that a composition is Forcible, it means that you can play this comp every game. This is, we believe, the last patch the game gets before the introduction of set 3, so spend that time climbing rank! Versatility x-axis is based on both the number of Compositions an item fits in and Champions an item is used on. Jhin is also a fantastic carry option as well as he pairs nicely with Vayne and can be part of a cheeky 3 Cultist synergy package that can be splashed in. Dawnbringer units across the board are being beefed up this patch. Item dependency is how important specific items are to the composition. Community Content• If you want to start with the very basics read the beginner's. Magic Resistance• Hard to counter within the TFT Meta 10. Fallen Off: Sharpshooters, Warlords. From a list of the top team compositions, to detailed champion stats, and an in-depth item builder. Accumulate gold early to hit 3-star Yasuo and Kalista. TeamFight Tactics• This leaves some players scratching their heads wondering what they just played against, and why a three-star Hecarim just wiped their board despite never seeing it in their go-to guides. Items for Aphelios: Guardian Angel is by far the best item, followed by Rageblade. Even though 9 Cultists might be one of the best comps at securing top fours, it still lacks some punch due to having literally zero other synergies online and zero true carry units besides a Jhin without other Sharpshooters. They may very well not be very good. Players should have the economy and gold to push to level nine and then look for a potential pivot into a legendary composition. Irelia• Learning a new game can be intimidating, especially a game like Teamfight Tactics that changes every time you play it! 5 is really just an assortment of little nudges and tweaks to refreshen the meta. Why is the Strategy so Dominant? This is why we have created this Teamfight tactics tier list, because many users, especially the ones new to the game, will not immediately know what champions are good to play with and which ones suck. Slam other non Ahri items to preserve health. The Elderwood trait gives Ashe the tankiness she lost in the 10. Usually has to lose a few games mid game, as you have to eco for Level 8. Many TFT players are complaining that Patch 10. We also focused on these important things while creating this TFT Tier List:• This effect is only active when you have exactly 1 unique God-King. This Teamfight Tactics tier list is mostly created with mid to late-game stages of the game in mind, but it can also work for early stages as well. com isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. And so it works on PC, Mac, Android, and iOS. Difficulty, Item Dependency, and Variance are listed. Moonlight Lissandra Another Moonlight carry comp but with Lissandra. Roll on 7 until stable on 4-1 or 4-2. Hit Yasuo and then level up and play whatever. Difficulty: Low Item Dependency: High Variance: High Chosen: Moonlight Requirements• gg Perhaps one of the least complicated builds to perfect and force in TFT history, the Brawler composition can be played with a Chosen to reach eight Brawlers, or without a Chosen at just six Brawlers. Even though he has been nerfed, Talon remains the best carry unit in the entire game thanks to his unreal damage output and his elusiveness. , Yasuo is really the only unit consistently appearing in the top four as a reroll carry. It works really well because you can get a ton of 3 star units with Vanguards. Select one of our many guides below for the best statistical builds and data for traits, team compositions, and champions. Fast 8 is not a new strategy, it has been in existence for all of Set 3 and actually originated in Set 2. But even then she is still more than capable of being a solo carry unit. Alternatives• Learn all about TFT Set 5 strategy with MOBAFire's tools and resources. Sharpshooter 4 Sharpshooter is pretty popular right now especially in Korea Difficulty: Medium Item Dependency: High Variance: Medium Chosen: Sharpshooter, Spirit Requirements:• Hextech Gunblade and tank items for Diana How to Play Get an early Chosen Moonlight Diana or Lissandra before committing to the composition. The Game Haus aims to bring unbiased, factually sound opinions to audiences across a range of mediums that are not readily accessible in the day-to-day media outlets. If you manage to find a Shadow Lux, get rid of your worst shadows, prefferably Veigar and Senna. Swap Tryndamere for Jax if you get Duelist Spatula item• At that point hopefully one can push levels to throw in a bunch of legendary units and watch Nami who once killed enemies by just looking at them become a CC bot who just tickles enemy tanks. There has also been word of a six keeper variation of this comp that may grow in popularity in the coming days. Counters• The storm that has been the release of Set 5 continues with dropping another novel of balance changes. Create Guides• These three carries are so overpowered in the right comps that you can basically make the decision tree of which comp you are going to be going late within about two items. Alternatives: 6 Mages Join a growing community dedicated to improving at TFT at to chat with other viewers! The 3 Abomination champions nearest the grave will also grant the Monstrosity a random copy of one of their items when combat starts. If you find yourself in need of more information, the main database window has you covered. Popular compositions on the last patch like Kennen Keepers or Slayers can both still be played, despite receiving nerfs. Images and graphics are property of their respective owners. 20b that occurred on October 7. Lee Sin does a lot of kicks, and Kalista throws a lot of spears. TFT has been blessed with Patch 10. For Akali, go 7 at 4-1 or 4-2 and roll. Put random tank items on Yuumi. Some players might simply perform better with certain champions, no matter their tier rankings. High damage teams Wukong Carry Bonk Difficulty: Low Item Dependency: High Variance: High Chosen: Vanguard, Mystic, Wukong Requirements:• Expect a lot of Garen vs Darius showdowns in the late game in the next couple of weeks. We're also hosting Riot's official TFT cheat sheet for easy reference. Whichever you manage to pick up more of when you were leveling silly! Counters• Guardian Angel can replace Shojin. Variance is the approximate placement range of the composition. You plan on having Kindred carry your team until you get Master Yi, with Yi 2 star being your ultimate team carry. Players will want to play a strong board early, like Cultist or Sharpshooters, and then around stage 5-1, roll down for either a Chosen Executioner or Chosen four-cost like Shen. Use our to strategize and develop the perfect team comp, both before and during the game! 3 has shifted the meta as players continue to learn Set 4. You can also do Guardian Angel Ahri and frontline Ahri Counters• Without further ado here is the final tier list of the 4-1 Casino meta. Play random strong units after that. Positioning• Tiers are determined by what I think will get you the highest average rank. Methodology Even though I was Challenger in Set 1 and Grandmaster in Set 2, I know there are many players better than me. Brawler starts How to Play Play strongest board. You can go for 6 Enlightened, 4 Assassin, more Mystics, Random legendaries Counters• Strength y-axis is based on how effective an item is in the situations where it is most used. Lots of Wukongs early• To be victorious you will have to use your skills and wisdom to create the best possible squad of champions to fight for you against other players. Early Cultist Chosen helps a ton because you can transition to this comp from Cultist very easily• Optionally, Hyperroll instead.。 。

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TFT Set 5 :: Cheat Sheets, Team Comps, Teamfight Tactics Guide :: MOBAFire

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