Unedited screenshots of story content and spoilers in the title are not allowed. The following content is not allowed. 女の子• Links Listed subreddits have different mod teams. 蒼き海の赤い子• 寒之介と雪丸• ウィスラッシュ• シャイニング• アスカ• Harassment and hate speech will not be tolerated. シャイニング• センシティブな内容を含むイラスト・マンガ 【イラスト・マンガ】のうち、センシティブな内容(アダルト表現・グロテスク表現)を含むもの。
17Resources• 黒キング• 青花ニンギョウ• テンシの笑顔• -Circle Master-To Moe• Basic and very personalized questions how skills work, who to promote next, team building advice, etc. Rule 1: Respect others. Standby Ready• クーリエ• クリフハート• 月桂樹の騎士ユリア(EX)• フィリオプシス 1006• 下克上• ブリュンヒルデ• Use the search bar and other tools. 娘のドレス• You are allowed only 1 one non-OC fanart, comic or cosplay post every 2 weeks 14 days since your last post. - The daily thread where you can ask basic and general questions that do not warrant their own thread. キイロ• 月いろの暁• 月下の踊り子• エリサ• プラマニクス• SAKUYA• Dusk Maid• 模型・フィギュア・プラモデル・ドール・ぬいぐるみ・キャラ弁・ハンドクラフト等• - A compilation of many tools, resources, and guides on various topics. 少女とふくろう• イラスト・マンガ 一般向けのイラストおよびマンガ。 0608• Rule 8: No explicit or sexual content. シルバーアッシュ• 王の剣• Unedited images or screenshots that do not propose meaningful discussion. com find submissions from "example. In the rain• 緋の騎士• 湖中竜• 時の魔術師• Rule 9: Comic posting exceptions. 【PFFK】ミミル・アートライル• 銀符「シルバーバウンド」• ひかり• A violation of this rule will result in a 1 month ban. Repetitive and mundane content such as screenshots of E2 promotions, etc. Posts discussing or involving spoilers should be tagged as such. - For discussing in-game events. A violation of this rule will result in a 2 week ban.。
Remain civil and respectful in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Rule 10: Spoilers should be tagged. -Charisma of Aeon-• 時に愛は• butterfly• 全人類の緋想天• 狂気の花• Art used in memes and other edits should be also linked in the comments in the same manner. 咲夜の世界• Explicit content is not allowed. 神の牢獄• このツイートに主として含まれるのは、【 ***】ではなく、以下の画像です。
Rule 7: Non-OC art should be sourced. 薄明のレクイエム• 永禄五月雨• Leona 5• ビビッドイエロー• 気符「無念無想の境地」• 補足:灰色の騎士ユリア• com" url: text search for "text" in url selftext: text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes or self:no include or exclude self posts nsfw:yes or nsfw:no include or exclude results marked as NSFW e. コスプレ コスチューム・プレイ(仮装)をした人物の写真。
You are also required to include a direct link to an upload by the original author in the comments of your post a source directly controlled by them, like their own Twitter account, for example, and not an image board like Zerochan. アエティウス&ユリア• シルバーアッシュ• ニアール水着• Blood Born• - The thread where you can share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitment tags as well. シャイニング 1007• その他、当サービスの対象外のもの 風景写真・ゲームやTVのキャプチャ・スクリーンショット・文字のみの画像等、上記にあてはまらないもの。
Rule 4: Only one non-OC art post every 2 weeks. Rules• You can find the megathreads linked on the sidebar and at the top of the subreddit. 血の剣と夜の王女• 私のパン、食べる?• For your fanart posting needs, you may visit , a subreddit dedicated to fanart. 紅魔館• 【冬闘乱2016】上田 ゆきさ【西軍】• Promoting paid products or services that do not contribute to the community is not allowed. モデル(立体造形物) 立体造形物全般。
7Rule 6: No commercial promotion. ブレミシャイン• use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit: subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author: username find submissions by "username" site: example. 戦場ヶ原ひたぎ• You may also use if you wish to share your memes. Buying, gifting and selling accounts or advertisement of anything that breaks the game's Terms of Service is not allowed. 落書き• 火の国、鉄の王• イザヨイ• 隻眼羅刹イシュバラ• ゆかてん• Content that directly references or directly implies sexual acts is also not allowed. イザベラ• - The weekly thread where you can share your friend ID. Consistent failure to do so will lead to removal and a ban on posting art. A reasonable amount of text more than a couple of words of dialogue should be present to qualify for this exception. オランジーナ• Remember to tag NSFW for content that is Not Safe For Work, like swimsuits and other revealing clothing. The following types of content must be posted in their corresponding megathread. 造形物に描かれた平面のイラスト等もここに含みます。
レオナ騎士制服• シルバーアッシュ• Megathreads: Content filter Click on the type of content you are interested in Megathreads• Needless Gods• 梟の主• 竜の魂• ジャンヌ• 梟のこ• 衣装のみの写真も含む。
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