模型 英語。 模型制作英文_模型制作英文怎麼說


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wp-block-quote:before, header-outer:not. : shaped to pattern• The following sections will describe these formulations in more detail. 模子 model set; mould pattern; layout; type; representation; cast; version; matrix; mock-up; shape• single single-meta div a:focus,. Voltage-gated ion channels [ ] Using a series of experiments and by varying extracellular sodium and potassium concentrations, Hodgkin and Huxley developed a model in which the properties of an excitable cell are described by a set of four. : autoregressive integrated moving average• nectar-highlighted-text em:before,. Center manifold [ ] Because there are four state variables, visualizing the path in can be difficult. : free electron model• The time dependent elements of this equation are V m, g Na, and g K, where the last two conductances depend explicitly on voltage as well. 超弦理論の摂動論に依らない定式化としての、有力な候補とされている。 full-width-section a:hover,body. icon-salient-cart, header-outer. slide-out-widget-area-toggle a:hover. page-numbers:hover,body pagination a. :模型もけいmodeldummymaquette. : 主模型master cast[医生]• carousel-heading a:hover i, search-outer. Likewise, the of the Jacobian reveal the center manifold's. In other words, the 4-dimensional system collapses onto a 2-dimensional plane. : autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity• ( 英語 : )(SADT):由 ( 英語 : )發展。


英語 模型 英語 模型

The results of HLM are as below. He is cast in his father's mold. : half-model• Structured Analysis and System Specification. : the abc model of flower development• He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 依照Hay在1999年提出的定義:「是1970年代提出許多結構化技術的延伸。 The lipid bilayer is represented as a capacitance C m. Ion channels of excitable membranes 3rd ed. The voltage v t in millivolts of the Hodgkin—Huxley model, graphed over 50 milliseconds. Contents• : ボーアの原子模型Bohr atom model[基礎]• : 島模型island model[医生]• : logistic models• : radio control modeler• 程式規格• SSADM :最早是由在1983年提出。 : engineering design and rapid prototyping• The models are theoretically self-consistent. : modeler• : osi model•。

primary-color:hover, footer-outer footer-widgets. 起訖頁 001-040 關鍵詞 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 刊名 期數 出版單位 DOI 10. ba model making• 是指機能相關的程式組合成一模組的程度。


英語 模型 英語 模型

: model membrane. are represented by g n, where n is the specific ion channel that depend on both voltage and time. Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF August 1952. fancybox-navigation button:hover:before,ul. by Garrett Neske,• cart-contents span:before, fp-nav. As with most neuronal models, increasing the injected current will increase the firing rate of the neuron. Substitution of this expression for I transforms the original set of equations into a set of , because the voltage becomes a function of both x and t. are represented by linear conductances g L. woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation ul li. They received the 1963 for this work. single single-meta div a:hover i,. : model shop• : monod-wyman-changeux model• Allows for changing the parameters of the model and current injection. 結構化分析方法可以使用(如圖),IDEF是一個程式驅動的分析方法,是由目的及觀點開始進行。 Managing the Structured Techniques: Strategies for Software Development in the 1990s. Information Technology Chapter 27. The current generated by ion pumps is dependent on the ionic species specific to that pump. Additional ion channel populations have been incorporated based on experimental data. post-title a:hover,body featured article. : 模型化modeling[電情]• 1974年提出的 ( 英語 : )-IBM的層次化輸入-處理-輸出圖。 A better can be constructed from a careful analysis of the of the system, evaluated at the. : miniature• material search-outer search close a span:hover,. Hodgkin—Huxley type models represent the biophysical characteristic of cell membranes. 此程式稱為 ( 英語 : )或是 ( 英語 : )。

For a derivation of the Hodgkin—Huxley equations under voltage-clamp, see. 現寸模型 mock-up[化学]; mock-up[機械]• 是一個有向圖,弧線表示資料,節點(用圓圈或泡泡表示)表示轉換資料的程式。 The PNP model is based on a of ion interactions and continuum descriptions of concentration and electrostatic potential. : set gate• : トーマス-フェルミ原子模型Thomas-Fermi atom model[基礎]• : wood pattern making process• The sodium-potassium and sodium-calcium exchangers are the best known of these. 是一組資料流、資料元素、檔案及資料庫的定義。


英語 模型 英語 模型

: parallel random access machine• Furthermore, the limit cycle is contained on the center manifold. CRaG Systems, 2004. material slide-out-widget-area-bg. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer. 程式還可以再細分為更細的資料流程圖,描述程式中的子程式,一直到清楚說明及了解程式機能為止。 and described the model in 1952 to explain the ionic mechanisms underlying the initiation and propagation of action potentials in the. Voltage-gated and leak ion channels are represented by nonlinear g n and linear g L conductances, respectively. They had a model and everything. he models in clay. [주로 전람회나 실험용의 모형을 일컬음] =[模特兒 2 ] 2 목형 木型. post-tags a:hover, to-top:hover, to-top. : 一粒子模型single-particle model[基礎]• 1974年提出的 ( 英語 : )-「Logical Construction of Programs」。 結構圖有助於程式設計者用個個擊破的方式處理軟體問題,也就是將一直將問題拆解為更小的問題,直到最後問題小到可以被人類理解為止。



英語 模型 英語 模型

更多例句: 1. 逐步設計(Stepwise design):由在1971年提出。

Second, among the learner-level factors, gender, SES, time spent on studying English in cram schools, and family cultural capital have significant effects on English achievement. : Supplementary Notes Structure Charts and Bottom-up Implementation: Java Version. mejs-horizontal-volume-slider. The theory of alpha decay utilizes this model. Fourth, cultural capital as a class-level factor positively influences English achievement. The eigenvectors associated with the two negative eigenvalues will reduce to zero as time t increases. Structured Development for Real-Time Systems: Implementation Modeling Techniques: 003. : alpha-particle model• : 1. portfolio-filters sort-portfolio,. : solid modelling• : sculpting the human head by mark alfrey• The is represented as a C m. NPOESS Data Exploitation web site. "Fluid limit theorems for stochastic hybrid systems with applications to neuron models". woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation ul li:hover a:before,. 5s ease-in-out;-o-transition:height. flickity-prev-next-button svg circle. : v-model• : scale modeler• Workshop : fishing junk model - making in cantonese 漁船 模型制作工作坊• 別名「IIB 行列模型」〕• woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table. :(1)模型. : logistic regression• : molded part; moldings• External links [ ]• 土屋によって提唱された行列模型。


英語 模型 英語 模型

: 【形】model• : wax pattern preparation; waxing• : 長岡の原子模型Nagaoka atom model[基礎]• The system is difficult to study because it is a and cannot be solved analytically. js-cnn-follow-anonymous:after,. One consequence of the Hopf bifurcation is that there is a minimum firing rate. Gray DJ, Wu SM 1997. open h3 a, footer-outer copyright li a i:hover,. 程式規格可以包括虛擬碼、流程圖或 ( 英語 : )。 Structured Techniques: The Basis for Case. The database used in this study contained data collected in Keelung City from 2,750 junior high school students of 134 classes. 此方法一開始會先確認整體機能,再反覆地將機能分割為更小的機能,保留程式最佳化需要的輸入、輸出、控制及機制。 結構化分析及系統規格(Structured Analysis and System Specification):由 ( 英語 : )在1979年提出。

The driving the flow of ions are represented by E n whose are determined by the ratio of the intra- and extracellular concentrations of the ionic species of interest. : v-model• Briefly, when the membrane potential is held at a constant value i. While the original experiments treated only sodium and potassium channels, the Hodgkin—Huxley model can also be extended to account for other species of. 他一塊一塊地裝配飛機 模型。 : 原模型master-pattern[化学]; master model[化学]; model[化学]; pattern[化学]• woocommerce-form-register button. woocommerce sidebar div ul li a:hover,. The model and the prototype are geometrically similar. : autoregressive moving average model• : 分子模型molecular model[化学]; molecular model[基礎]• Any solution starting off the center manifold will decay towards the center manifold. 資料流程圖或其他資料字典可以參考資料字典中的內容。


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1980年起開始有工具可以自動繪製這類的圖面,並追蹤中的內容。 當耦合力調整到最佳情形時,會簡化模組之間的介面,也會簡化程式的複雜度。 。

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