Naruto 神威。 Kamui Uzumaki


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司狼神威(しろう かむい)。


Kamui Uzumaki

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He is care-free, a prankster, and gets along with anyone. He was then promoted to chunin and was offered to be the new Hokage, Kakashi Hatake's, official bodyguard. Kamui devoted his life to following in his father's footsteps. - の。 He accepted, and now does many S-Class missions for the village. 術者であるオビトとカカシに限れば異空間に飛ばされても戻ってくることが可能だが、デイダラの腕に命中した際は腕が切断されていることから仮に首から上だけを転移させた場合その時点で致命傷を負うことになる。

Kamui Uzumaki

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神威(申威、シェンウェイ) [ ]• ・読みは(かもい)で 日本海軍の水上機母艦の名前でもある。

Instead of flickering flames, the chakra comes off as wisps of wind. He also inherited his mom's brains, making him a brillient stratigist. 出典:NARUTO-ナルト- 巻ノ三十一 92ページ 著者:岸本斉史 時空間忍術 神威 神威ははたけカカシが第二部から使用するようになった万華鏡写輪眼の瞳術で、視界の中の指定した範囲内に存在する物体を空間ごと別空間に強制転移させることができる。 Kamui Uzumaki Might of the Gods うずまき神威 Uzumaki Kamui Shifting Winds of the Leaf Birthdate April 9th Age 15 Height 5' 11" Weight 129 lbs. His brain power has greatly increased after some private training with his sensei, Shikamaru Nara. 神威シリーズ - 中国の江南計算技術研究所が開発するCPU。


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For pants he wears a slate grey version of his father's, using a tarnished bit of his childhood blanket as a belt. もともとの持ち主だけにカカシ以上に能力を使いこなし、自身をまるごと異空間に転送したり、部分的に転送して攻撃をすり抜けたように見せるなどの使い方もできる。 He spent two years in that desert, and has returned to discover his mother recommened him to be a jonin. 関連項目 [ ]• なお、万華鏡写輪眼自体はリンを手にかけてしまった際に開眼していたが第一部では触れられなかった。 (両目が揃うと飛ばすスピードも倍になる様子) 神威のゆかり ・読みは(しんい)で 神の威光という意味がある。

He left for the desert the next day with the Two Great Toad Sages, focused on learning how to control the Nine-Tails. " He smiled at her then walked off. - 北海道歌志内市にあった北海道旅客鉄道歌志内線の駅。 Trivia• Kamui wears tannish cloak with orange swirl marks on the sholders, a replica of the First Hokage's necklace, and a black, sleeveless shirt. 神威を使用する忍 第一部と第二部の間に習得した新術で帰ってきたナルトに自慢しようとしたが話を聞いていなかったのか相手にされなかった。


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He joined Squad 72 with team-mates Suiton Yuki, Kin Hyuga, and sensi Shikamaru Nara. History Kamui was born on April 9th after his father had been Hokage for a year. 英語での名称はShenWei、愛称はSunway、略称はSW。

He is able to calculate five moves ahead of his opponent, using about twenty different factors, such as distance and terrain. Kamui may remain in this mode for extended periods of time, due to his alliance with the. 神威(かもい) [ ]• 詳細は「」を参照• His hair, however, has been sun-bleached and his skin is much more tan from his training in the desert. ・一瞬にして 尾獣ほどの大きさのものでも出し入れ可能。 This article, Kamui Uzumaki, is property of. At age 7 it was discovered he had the "Wind" Chakra Nature, much to his father's delight. Kamui declined and stated that he had much more training to do before he was ready for anything that major. 応用力 初期の頃に登場した幻術ベースの瞳術と根本的に異なり目を合わせる必要がないうえ現実に物理的な影響を与える術となっている。


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Kamui Uzumaki

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